[![Build Status](https://drone.fqserv.eu/api/badges/takaoni/tenkan/status.svg)](https://drone.fqserv.eu/takaoni/tenkan) # tenkan Command line tool to convert HTTP RSS/Atom feeds to gemini format. ## Installation ```shell script pip install tenkan ``` ## Usage Add a feed ```shell script # Any valid RSS/Atom feed tenkan add feedname url ``` Update content of feed list ```shell script tenkan update ``` Delete feed ```shell script tenkan delete feedname ``` List subscripted feeds ```shell script tenkan list ``` ## Options A debug mode is avaible via --debug option. If you want to use your configuration or feeds file in another place than default one, you can use --config and --feedsfile options. ## Configuration tenkan searches for a configuration file at the following location: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tenkan/tenkan.conf` ### Example config This can be found in tenkan.conf.example. ```ini [tenkan] gemini_path = /usr/local/gemini/ gemini_url = gemini://foo.bar/feeds/ # will purge feed folders having more than defined element count # purge_feed_folder_after = 100 [filters] # authors we don't want to read # authors_blacklist = foo, bar # blacklist of article titles, if provided, it won't be processed # titles_blacklist = foo, bar # blacklist of article links, if provided, it won't be processed # links_blacklist = foo/bar.com, bar/foo, bla [formatting] # maximum article title size, 120 chars if not provided # title_size = 120 # feeds with a truncated content # will be fetched and converted using readability # truncated_feeds = foo, bar ``` ## Todolist - [ ] Add a edit command - [ ] Add a --feedname option to update command, to update a single feed - [ ] Rewrite configuration checks - [ ] add configuration option to log output into a logfile - [ ] Improve tests - [ ] Refactor needed parts like write_article - [ ] (not sure if relevant) migrate images too, for gemini clients that can handle it ## Development I recommend using pre-commit. The pre-commit configuration I use is located in .pre-commit-config.yamlfile. Run pre-commit command before every pull request and fix the warnings or errors it produces.